Oldest friends are often also your best friends. Building up stable and rewarding relationships takes time and effort! Do not underestimate the time it takes to build a strong relationship.…
A story, especially a story of change, will only be listened to if you are able to link up to the cultural identity of this group you are communicating with.…
Photo credit The trouble with the distance is that our brain is structured in a way that disconnects us from that which is not taking place right in front of…
‘People are not going to be frightened into caring’, Charles Eisenstein. Despite accumulating evidence by media, science and IPCC assessments that climate change is really happening and will have severe effects, people…
Don’t pitch people against each other or demonize one party. Instead, show how you are fostering collaboration towards a positive outcome. If you intend to make a positive change and…
The way of communication creates reality. Is the glass half empty, or is it half full? Shall we frame our story around the incredible loss of native rain-forests due to…