We believe that another world is possible. A world where human and nonhuman beings flourish alongside each other. A world where people are not masters of but part of what…
Interview with Alexander Watson about inspiration, vision, and work This is a transcript of a video interview of WoBistDude with Alexander Watson who is one of the founders and CEO…
Learning and working together in and with nature. Occasionally the entire OpenForests team gathers to work together, exchange, inspire, build strategy, and plan ahead. This time all nine of us…
We are often asked what is the core of our work and what are our goals and vision. In this short article, we want to give the answers. Who we…
Sustainable forest management to address societal challenges. Impressions from the event More information about the conference Draft agenda
A story, especially a story of change, will only be listened to if you are able to link up to the cultural identity of this group you are communicating with.…
‘People are not going to be frightened into caring’, Charles Eisenstein. Despite accumulating evidence by media, science and IPCC assessments that climate change is really happening and will have severe effects, people…